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Zoe Tilley Poster -


Zoë Tilley Poster lives on a thickety patch of land in central Vermont with her husband, Matt, her son, Iggy, and her dog, Ida. She enjoys drawing, weeding, writing, eating, and playing a game for the bold-hearted called Crazy Puppies (of which Ida is the inventor).


Zoë's drawings are made with pencil, brushed-on graphite powder, and erasers on Bristol paper. She starts with quick sketches and value studies, exploring the angles and curves of her subjects and arranging light and dark shapes. Final drawings are a slow, many-layered process. When a character emerges clearer on paper than it was in her mind, Zoë feels she's shaking paws with an old friend.

Cornith, Vermont

© 2020 by Epoch Artisans Gallery     

4826  Main Street Manchester Center, VT 05255         802-768-9711

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